Just Write!

It feels like forever since I posted. I mean posted posted, not reblogged something (though that's good too). I know this isn't true, that it wasn't actually forever--after all, my Published Posts page on my dashboard informs me that my last (actual) post was the last Halloween Extravaganza! post at the end of October almost exactly a year ago. And a year isn't that long, considering. Not in real life. But on the Interwebs, a year can be forever. Anyway, that's over now. It's time to start this blog up again--to start my creativity up again. And to help with that, I'll be following The Daily Posts's Writing 101 program. Somehow I missed it when it was going on (being not-active has that effect), so better late than never. Today's assignment is a 20-min free-write, published when finished, no worries, no strings attached (aside from the aforementioned time limit). Timer starts. . . now.