Cotton-Candy Clouds in Watercolor

Clouds in Watercolor. Tutorial by makoccino on YT.

Clouds in Watercolor. Tutorial by makoccino on YT.

Fluffy cotton-candy clouds are so fun to paint!  This time I followed a tutorial by makoccino (Youtube).  Using an opaque white paint over watercolor achieves a dreamy effect. (Mako recommended using gouache, but I used an opaque white tempura watercolor tube I had on hand, and it worked well!) It would be a useful way to add soft highlights on other landscapes and even portraits as well.

Here is the tutorial by makoccino:

This is the first makoccino tutorial I’ve followed.  She explained it well and it was fun to work on three paintings simultaneously while the layers were drying.  Please check out her channel if you’re interested in trying some fun techniques!

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